
Friday, August 3, 2012

A Test of My Faith

This post is somewhat related to "Can't Keep Me Down," because the situation I am in right now inspired it. The situation truly has been a test of my faith.

Just a brief update on that: I spoke to one for my attorneys and she said this woman was way off base and should know better. I shouldn't have been blamed for something that's out of my control and legally, there was nothing I could do at the time. And she shouldn't have spoken me that way. Bottom line, I was in the right. Of course that doesn't change anything if she still thinks she right and like I said in my last post, she is in a position of power, and I will suffer the repercussions because she won't admit to being wrong. But knowing I wasn't wrong and could appeal it, makes me feel better. (I wish I could go into detail, but I can't. Sorry.)

Sometimes just knowing the truth within yourself isn't enough, especially when it affects your future with your children. But hearing it from a good attorney who knows the law helps. It is hard to not dwell on things people say that hurt you. It is pretty normal to have an inner dialogue, things you wish you'd thought of at the time; things you wish you'd said. But seriously, where does that get you? Worked up, pissed off, irate, depressed, stressed, etc.. Losing sleep over it won't help; it'll only add fuel to your already blazing fire. It sucks, especially when it could really hurt your life situation and there's nothing you can do about it. Believe me I know!

No matter what anyone says about me or to me, or how I am attacked; mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually, it is not enough to lead me back down the road of self-destruction. I have complete and utter faith in the Lord. I know with certainty that He is working for me. He gives me strength. He knows me and He believes in me.

The truth will be known eventually.

My faith will be tested just as all believers are tested at some point. I am happy, healthy, and sober. And I am a fantastic and loving mother. But most of all, I am a child of the Supreme Ruler; the Final Judge. My Heavenly Father.

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