
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Can't Keep Me Down

I had the worst phone call yesterday. I can't get in to any details at the moment, but this woman I spoke to was so rude to me for the first part of the conversation; completely unprofessional and just plain mean to me. She brought up stuff that happened a year and a half ago, like I am less than human and deserved to be treated that way. I was in complete and utter shock. I didn't know what to do or say. This person is in a power position. She completely undermined everything I have done this whole time to get better and recover from the disease of alcoholism. No one has treated me like that in a long time and I absolutely know I didn't deserve it. I don't know, maybe she had a bad day and took it out on me.

I felt horrible all day. I was sick to my stomach all night and all today.

I have made huge efforts to be healthy mentally, emotionally and I am working on the physical. I have been doing fabulous and I am a wonderful, loving mother who genuinely wants the best for my children.

So why would I let someone who doesn't know me get me down, after all I have worked for? Maybe because she kind of holds my future in her hands right now. But, knowing that I was NOT wrong, why would I dwell on it so long? I know who I am and I know I am a good person. Even the judge said that I can't be punished forever for my mistakes forever; I have my dues, and this woman basically treated me like I was the scum of the earth. Why do I care?

I know that everything will work out and that God is for me; so who can be against me? I know this with complete certainty, but still, her words hurt. This woman whom I don't know and who doesn't know me, really hurt me. How does that happen?

I don't know what her motivation was; it really doesn't matter. The fact is, things may bother me at first, I may dwell on it for a while, but I a stronger now than I have ever been and nothing is going to keep me down. I know that the devil uses people, unbeknownst to them, to try to hurt me and doubt God. Well, it won't work. I have seen His goodness and I am a believer. I truly mean "His will be done." Whatever He has planned for me is a good plan and I trust Him fully to take care of me and my children.

There are always going to be hard times that arise. But I will handle it as gracefully as I can. I am sober, faithful, and I won't give my happiness over to someone else to stomp on. I don't deserve that. Nobody does.

Please feel free to leave questions or comments and I will return the favor!

photo credit: <a href="">Extra Medium</a> via <a href="">photo pin</a> <a href="">cc</a>


  1. Please don't let an evil person get you down. I learned not to let people steal my joy. We all work so hard to get to the point of being happy, so why give someone the power to kick our sandcastle down? It sucks that she is in a position of power workwise, but don't let her break your spirit. Many of us are people-pleasers. You will learn that not everyone in this world is going to like you and that it is ok. Their loss friend. Keep your head up. (I just started reading your blog, finally getting caught up) You write very well...

    1. Thank you Lori, for your kind and uplifting words. It is hard sometimes not to be bothered by things people say, but you are absolutely right. I can't let other people get me down. I am doing much, much better today! Thank you for the compliment on my writing. I am very grateful that you have been reading. I truly appreciate the support!

  2. I can so relate and agree with Lori - don't let her steal your joy. It's just the 'ole shame game, keep digging deeper within to know the truth on a spiritual level. Anything else is just the noise we've been hearing forever. The lady represents the noise. Our side of the street is our responsibility :) Keep trudgin!

    1. Thank you for the comment. I really appreciate the uplifting feedback. It really bothered me for like a day and a half, but I have put it to rest and I feel better. Especially when I have such wonderful people supporting me! You are right. I just need to keep my side of the street clean and what other people think and do, I have no control over. So I can't give them control over me or my mind. Thanks again for the comment!:)
