
Sunday, August 5, 2012

How To Build Your Self-Esteem In 6 Simple Steps

Most people have had self-esteem issues at some point, in some form, whether they portray it or not. I have battled my own self-esteem issues and I thought I would write what has worked for me and what has worked for others. I hope this is helpful...

1. Stop criticizing yourself!  That sounds easy enough right? Stop being your worst critic and start believing in yourself. Forgive yourself for past mistakes; we all make them! When you catch yourself thinking or saying something negative, stop and give yourself at least 2 compliments. Say it enough until you start believing it.

2. Make a self-affirmation list.  Write at least 20 positive qualities you have. Yes, you do have 20 positive qualities and many more! So dig deep. It can be anything; pretty eyes, thick flowing hair, great sense of humor, etc.. If you are having a hard time, think about compliments you have received. No matter what you think, you have many great characteristics.

3. Hang that affirmation list where you will see it every day. Read it aloud first thing in the morning. Who cares if someone hears you?..Well, okay, read it to yourself if you must. But read it and FEEL it. Read it over and over and over.

4. Take pride in your appearance. It doesn't matter what you look like or what you think you look like; as long as you look like you care. Fix yourself up. It will instantly make you feel more confident.

5. Find something you are good at. A hobby, a job; it doesn't matter how big or small you think it is. Just become the very best at it that you can be. Study and learn everything you can about whatever it is. It always feels good when you know you are good at something and other people admire that. Are you a singer? Let your voice be heard. Couponer? Become the best darn couponer you can be. And be proud of yourself, because you earned it.

6. Help someone. Help them with chores, homework, put your knowledge to use. Volunteer somewhere, help a neighbor with yard work. Helping others is the ultimate self-esteem booster. It feels good to be selfless and help another person who needs it. It is good to get away from yourself and your own issues and think about someone else's needs. You will feel amazing!

Well, that is pretty easy, right? It takes doing over and over and before you know it, you start to believe everything you say to yourself. So why not say something positive?.. And learn to take a compliment! You're on your way!

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