
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Another Daily Frustration

I had the kiddo's last night. It was parent-teacher conference night and I wasn't told about the meetings until after 9:00 the night before. I expect as much from my ex. When we were in court, his one problem with my proposal was that I said his wife didn't need to attend my children's conferences. She's not their mom and he can inform her of how they went. She completely dominates the conversation and she honestly believes that she has more say and input than I should have. Me, their mother! I am almost at my limit with her and I feel she deliberately pushes me hoping I will snap so I can get into more trouble. Not gonna happen.

So they found a way to keep me from going. They deliberately scheduled those appointments on my night with my kids, knowing full well I wouldn't want to miss my time with them. He didn't even bother finding someone to watch them so I could go. Oh, well. Honestly, I wasn't even planning on going to this round of meetings. I want to meet their teachers on a one on one basis, so they can get to me and vise-versa without her interfering. It's just the point that he is already pulling this kind of shit. If I did it to him, he would be pissed. I just have to hold on a while longer. He will not be happy if I start playing the game he plays all the time.

I am better than that though. I am better then both of them. I know that. They are complete hypocrites. They accuse me of doing shit that they are doing themselves. Shit that I don't do or say, that they do all the time and don't even recognise. They are so concerned about the kids' grades that they tried to put it in court papers that if they slip, custody automatically goes back to them. In other words, if my kids get a bad grade, it is my fault. Now, we will be alternating weeks with the kids. There are too many variables when it come to kids getting a bad grade. There could be any reason. What is hypocritical is that while he wanted that court ordered, my oldest son had an F. He and my daughter told me he was grounded from video games for getting an F. Now, my daughter told me she has a D in math (I was also bad in math). She said she has C's too, as well as some A's and B's. They don't even live with me yet, so who's fault is that? My ex would find a way to blame me somehow.

They are so concerned about how I take care of the kids' clothes and dress them, yet their step-mom made them wear the same clothes to my house 2 days in a row. They were filthy. I could not believe it. Well, I could, but you know. If I did that, I would be accused of being a terrible parent. They say that I used to let my kids wear clothes with holes in them and dirty (which is completely untrue to begin with; they have always had nice clothes, but boys get dirty), yet that is what they do.

I guess it comes back down to accepting what you can't change. I couldn't change my ex when we were together, he won't change now. And he married someone more psycho than I was on my drunkest, most belligerent day. It's true. So now I have double the trouble.

Oh, well. I had a great visit. But my middle son came in and looked really upset, though. He said that at day care (the daycare provider is his step-mom's mom) all the kids were playing football And they wouldn't let him. He started crying and said that his step-mom's sister told him he couldn't play and he didn't know why. He said, "I just wanted to play." It broke my heart. He's very sensitive and he whines a lot, but this was different. He was hurt. He's only 7. (And he is going to be an awesome football player!)

Last night I was laying bed thinking and wondered if that is how the parents felt after that football game where some of the kids didn't get all their plays. Now, I am not defending their behaviour in any way. I am still as appalled as ever. Their behaviour is wrong, end of story. But maybe the feeling is the same as what I felt for my son. No one wants to see their child's feelings hurt.

I kind of felt last night, as I was laying in bed and thought about it, that God was dealing with me on my judgement of those parents. Am I being hypocritical by judging them for their behaviour, which includes judging my husband and the other coaches? They are going around smearing my husbands name, yet, I have done plenty of talking, which includes my last post (and I don't regret it, I think I made my point). I just think God deals with me on these sorts of issues quite often, when I least expect it. Like with my son. It's just a thought.

I am planning on writing a post soon on forgiveness, which I am still working on. So until then...


  1. Tonya,

    There are times when; "dont drink n go to meetings" just is not enough. This sounds like one of them.

    I went thru much of what you are only I left a 29 yr marriage after 19 years. Then married a lady, how bout that, a real lady, with 2 children 8 n 11.

    I felt a lot of what you have shared and learned a couple of things from that period of life during recovery. reallllly is all about me. If I am not the balanced harmonious progressive person I naturally am, then all things/people around me seem out of whack. rallly is all about me. ex, my kids, my ex's ahemmm friend, my new found ex-husband by marriage, my my my my .... reallly is all about me. I must and I remind myself every moment of life....I must always "take the high road" always. To do this is must turn to God as I understand IT always. If I can accomplish this, everything in life turns out as God would have it. really is all about me. If my true concern was about the two sets of children (mine and hers) then my head had no business at all thinking anything whatsoever about "them" the parents, nothing. reallly is all about me. I found the best child psychologist I could afford (a lot) and I sent the new kids (8 n 11), myself and new wife to him for as long as I could do it....several one could or would stop me from providing health care.....if they tried the courts ate them lawyer loved beating them up with; "we are just providing the best care possible in a very emotional and troubling time for the children"...I even invited "them" into the counseling....nahhhh but again the lawyer had another chance to say to the courts; "we have willfully invited "them" into the childrens care session they just refused". The winner in all this was the kids...they got the best couneling with ME and my Wife that they could get.

    I am happy to say my two step children are two of the most well balanced and loving children I know....and successful and smart...aka college....

    My real children finally got the message that I did the very best I could for them and now I was going to do the same for my step children....once everyone got the message by MY and NOT words they accepted it.

    Enough.....I know it is was sobriety...I know it is is sobriety....

    It all stems from a Power Greater than Yourself...."seek the Kingdom of God and all other things will be added unto you".

    Here is a link to my blog..."Is there more than the 12Steps?" an article you may enjoy.

    Love and Light
    aka ezduzit777 on twitter
    on FB find me as richard curtis

    1. Thank you for your comment. It makes sense. It is a tough situation, but we will get through it with the Lords help and guidance. I will check out your blog!!:)
